Dear Parents,

The new year of Awana Club upon us. We are excited for you and your kids to participate. We look forward to a great year!
The fall schedule is out now. Pastor Jon Henry is our new Commander this year for the Awana club! In addition, Scott Innes is our T & T leader, Alicia Marlowe is directing the Sparkies program, and Laura Mese is leading the Cubbies. Awana is for children from age three through sixth grade.
We will continue to meet on Sundays from 5:25pm to 7:15pm at Kenai Middle School. Please make sure that your child arrives no earlier than 5:15pm, and that you are waiting to pick him or her up when Awana ends. We will be using the back door at Kenai Middle School, so you will need to drive around behind the school to park. Please make note of the Fall Schedule posted at left.

Special Notes

We also ask that you keep sick kids at home, so that we can avoid spreading illnesses. Hand sanitizer will be available to the kids on Club nights. We also ask that you make sure to list on your registration form the persons who are authorized to pick up your children from Club.
We look forward to seeing you and the kids at awana!
The CBC Awana Team

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