John-3-16Few people would disagree that we live in a messed-up world. From all of the chaos and uncertainty of global politics right down to the disharmony in our own day-to-day lives, most people recognize that things are not as they should be. But who or what is to blame for this situation?

Although it is often an unpopular view, we at CBC believe that human nature itself is the problem. The Bible informs us that it is our own wayward hearts that continue to poison the world around us. We find it easy to convince ourselves of our own goodness, and to overlook the selfishness inside, but from God’s holy perspective, even our well-intentioned acts are infected with evil. (Isaiah 64.6) He made humanity to mirror his divine image, but, beginning with the first two humans, we have rejected his authority and his love. (Genesis 1-3) Because of this, our entire race became unworthy and unable to experience a relationship with God. As a result of our choice, we were enslaved by Sin and Evil. (Romans 5:12) Our sin disqualifies us from his Heaven, and so, every person on earth faces an eternity banished from God’s presence. His just and flawless character demands our isolation, and without him, our world has become dark and troubled.

But remarkably, God chose to heal the world and redeem humanity. So intent is he on bringing you and I back to him, that he sent his Son into the world to pay the awful penalty for our sin. (Matthew 20:28) It staggers the mind to imagine it, but God turned his back on his own Son in order that your relationship to him could be restored! (Mark 15:34) Christ took your sin on himself so that you could have his righteousness, becoming acceptable to God as a result. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

All you have to do to receive this incredible gift is trust in Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for your sakeAdmit that you are a sinner, helpless to improve your standing with God, and believe that Christ’s sacrifice accomplished all that was necessary to make you acceptable to him. Confess these things aloud to God, and tell him you want to begin a new relationship with him. In doing so, you become his child! (John 1:12)

Remember, salvation is not a formula or a ritual. In order to begin a new relationship with God, you must truly want to do so. Reciting a prayer aloud in order to escape the consequences for sin does no good, if you have no intention or desire to reject sin. This does NOT mean that there are preconditions or requirements in order to be saved, merely that it makes no sense to ask for something that you do not want- a relationship with God. Just to be clear on this, neither your faith nor your sincerity can save you. Rather, it is God who will save you by his grace because of your faith, your honest expression of belief, in Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

If you have just taken this step, Congratulations! You have joined a new family, a new kingdom of people who await the day when Jesus Christ returns to bring God’s rule to Earth. (Philippians 3:20; Titus 2:13) While we wait, we’ve been entrusted by God with the responsibility to spread his Kingdom. We do this by sharing the Good News with others, inviting them into the family, and by living as good citizens of the coming Kingdom. (Philippians 1:27) And in order to learn and practice the values of God’s Kingdom, it is imperative that you meet regularly with members of his family. (Hebrews 10:25) Calvary Baptist Church in Kenai represents one such gathering of believers, and there are many more in our area and beyond.

No doubt you have many questions about all of this. While there is no substitute for simply reading the Bible to gain insight, we at CBC realize that many churches, theologians and philosophers claim to interpret the Bible correctly. Not all competing claims can be true. (Galatians 1:8) Please feel free to contact us, and we would be happy to explain why we read the Bible the way we do. (1 Peter 3:15) We would love to help you deepen your relationship with God! You’ll want to check out our beliefs page as well.